Breast Pumps

To get a breast pump and related supplies follow these steps:

  • Get a referral and prescription from your provider
  • Go to Find A Provider and select Durable Medical Equipment (DME) in the Provider Type drop down menu and search by name or location
  • Contact the DME provider and provide your prescription information

If you pay out of pocket for a covered breast pump please submit an itemized receipt for reimbursement. Limitations on the maximum amount of reimbursement available for beneficiary-purchased breastfeeding supplies may result in out-of-pocket expenses. Call Member Services at 800-585-5883 (option 2) for assistance if needed.

Order Your Breast Pump and Supplies

Members can conveniently order their breast pump and supplies either by phone or online from Edgepark Medical Supplies.


Please contact Member Services at 800-585-5883 (option 2). Be sure to have your USFHP member number ready when talking with our member services representatives.