Frequently Asked Questions about Pharmacy
Once you have enrolled in US Family Health Plan, make an appointment with your new primary care provider. Be sure to bring your current medications with you. Your provider will rewrite them for a US Family Health Plan network pharmacy, local pharmacy or mail order pharmacy.
Your provider will submit your long-term medication prescriptions electronically via ePrescribing to MXP Mail Order Pharmacy. When it is time to refill your prescription, you simply call or use MaxorPlus Member Portal for online prescriptions refill option. The system is designed to deliver prescriptions within 7-10 days of when you contact them. Medications needed immediately and short-term medications up to 30-day supply are filled at a local USFHP network pharmacy.
MXP Mail Order Pharmacy will mail your prescriptions anywhere in the United States. If you need emergency or urgent care while traveling, you also may need new medications. In that case, you can use any MaxorPlus retail pharmacy and only pay your applicable copay(s). To find a pharmacy that's convenient for you, go to the MaxorPlus portal and click on the Price Drug & Find Pharmacy tile.
Should there be no MaxorPlus network pharmacy close by, go to the nearest available pharmacy. You will have to pay upfront the full out-of-pocket cost. Be sure to ask for itemized receipts and save them. Send the receipts to US Family Health Plan, attn. Member Services — you find the address on the back of your USFHP member card. You will be reimbursed for the amount you paid minus any applicable copayments.
US Family Health Plan has an extensive pharmacy network. Would you like assistance? Contact Member Services at 800-585-5883 option 2.
Once you join US Family Health Plan, you cannot get your prescriptions filled at an MTF anymore.
Why? US Family Health Plan is the TRICARE Prime option with only civilian provider and pharmacy networks. Our network retail pharmacies fill periodic or urgent medications quickly saving you from a potentially long wait at an MTF. Our mail order pharmacy program is a very good option for you and the most cost-effective choice for you.