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USFHP Case Management

Our case management program includes nurse, social work and behavioral health case managers, all of whom are experienced healthcare professionals. Our goal is to promote the highest level of health and well-being for our members across all the care they experience—physical, behavioral (including mental health, substance use and eating disorder treatment), psychosocial and other needs. We are a resource and support to our members in addressing these factors.

Please call us if we can support you in any way. We can be reached at: 206-774-5650, option 2.



USFHP members enrolled with USFHP after September 30, 2012 are not grandfathered in TRICARE Prime or USFHP. Beneficiaries must be enrolled in Medicare A and B to use the TRICARE For Life benefit.

Am I Grandfathered in USFHP/TRICARE Prime?

USFHP members enrolled prior to October 1, 2012 are grandfathered and can stay with the Plan after age 65. Enrollment in Medicare Part B is recommended but not required.

Any questions? Please contact Member Services. We are here to help!

Dental Plans

Health Topics

  • You Can Quit 2: Smoking cessation for active duty dependents and veterans enrolled in the VA System 
  • Smoking Cessation: The federal government’s one-stop shop to help you quit tobacco
  • 1-800-Quit-Now: Toll-free telephone number to connect you with counseling and information about quitting smoking in your state

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